Techniques of On-Page S.E.O:-
#2 Tag Optimization-
- Tags are crawled by the search engine but are not displayed to the user as a part of web page content.
- You can perform website indexing using HTML tags.
- During Search Engine Optimization process digital marketers does not develops the HTML page as their only work is to optimize the HTML page.
- Crawlers read the images through the Alt tags so for this purpose use only one keyword only.
Syntax and Length of tags-
1. Title Tag-
- Title tag length must be of 70 characters which includes page name and your major keyword.
- Syntax- <title> page name and most important keyword </title>
2. Keywords-
- Keyword tag length must be of 140 characters which includes all the selected keywords.
- Syntax- <meta name="keywords" content="All Selected keywords"/>
3. Description-
- Description tag length must be between 100 to 140 characters which includes page name and most important keyword of that particular page.
- Syntax- <meta name="description" content="any small description"/>
4. Language-
- Language tag contains the language of the website's content.
- Syntax- <meta name="language" content="English"/>
All the tags must be included in the head part of every web page of your website.