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Favicon and URL- Their Role and Importance in a Website

What is Favicon and its role in S.E.O?
  • A Favicon which is pronounced as "fave-icon".
  • Favicon is a small image which represents your website.
  • Here are some examples that how a Favicon is displayed in the browsers.

  • Creating a favicon is a small step but is important because if you want to set up a business website you must require favicon to make your website seo friendly.
  • Favicon sums up an additional advantage to your website which also helps to boost your online branding and makes a positive impact on your online presence.
  • PNG, GIF, and JPEG formats are used to develop a favicon. 
  • The main purpose of creating a favicon is to help the visitors to locate your page as when they have multiple tabs open it will be easier for them to find your page rather than checking each tab one by one.
  • The size of the favicon must lie between 10 to 100 kb (recommended).
  • The most common sizes (in pixels) for favicons are:
    • 16x16
    • 32x32
    • 48x48
    • 64x64
    • 128x128
How to create a Favicon?

  • You can hire a logo maker or a designer to develop a favicon (recommended).
  • You can use various online tools to create a favicon.
  • The given image shows some of the online favicon generator tools.

What is URL and its role in S.E.O?

  • URL is the acronym for Uniform Resource Locator.
  • As the name suggests url is used to specify your website address on the world wide web.
  • The format of the URL is shown below-
  • The protocol specifies how the data from the link is transferred.
  • The most common protocol used for web browsers is HTTP and HTTPS as the difference between them is related to the security of the website.
  • The website with HTTPS protocol is more safer than website with HTTP protocol.
  • Other protocols compatible with most web browsers include FTP, TELNET, Newsgroups and Gopher.
  • The protocol is then followed by a colon, two slashes and after that the domain name.
  • The domain name is the main name of your website.
  • Sub-directories are further specified after the domain name.
  • Below is an example of URL-

 How to write S.E.O friendly URL?

1. Descriptive and Readable URL-

  • By seeing only the URL, a visitor must be able to have a genuine idea of what to expect on page.
  • A readable URL is a web address by which makes easier for the visitors to read to conclude that to which content the particular website is related to.
  • The URL can be user as well as S.E.O friendly in two ways:-

           1) It can help the visitors to remember the web address. 
           2) It can help to describe the pages to the search engine.

2. Avoid stop words-

  • Stop words do not actually have a negative impact on SEO but you should avoid using stop words to make your URL shorter which is a good practice.
  • For example- when you search a query how to make a coffee, the search engine usually ignore 'how', 'to', 'a' as search engine specifically search for 'make','coffee' keywords.
  • So instead of making your website url lengthy make it short as by averting stop words which also help in avoiding problems like ambiguity and server load problems.

3. Avoid parameters in URLs-

  • Any word after the question mark "?" in a URL is considered to be a parameter which can hold values.
  • The value for the corresponding parameter is given after the symbol "equals" (=).
  • Below example may help you to know more about where the parameters are in the url-

  • From the below example a visitor is not able to understand that to which content a website belongs to.
  • The right way to avoid the parameters is by defining the  webpage in the url as shown below-
  • In the URL, you must separate the words by using hyphens '-' instead of using underscore'_'.
  • Do not stuff your website URL full of keywords as target only essential keywords and there count may be from 2 to 3 not more than that. 

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